Crepes 3-2-1
Simple ingredients can produce the most delicious and soul-nourishing meals. Easy crepe recipe, to be enjoyed with a savoury or sweet filling.
- 3 eggs
- 2 cups of your favourite milk (450-500ml)
- 1 cup flour (140gr, use buckwheat if gluten-free)
- 2 tbsp butter or olive oil
- 1 pinch salt
Add the flour and salt to a bowl and mix well.
Make a hole in the middle and add the eggs, beat with a fork or whisk.
Add the milk and your chosen fat (butter/oil), keep whisking and incorporating the flour until there are no lumps and you have a smooth, silky batter.
Let it rest for at least 30 mins in the fridge.
Set a non-stick pan to medium heat, pour just a tiny bit of oil or butter to make the surface slippery. Once hot, add some batter (80-100ml, depends on preference and pan size). Lift the pan and use your wrist to draw circles and spread the batter evenly. Cook for 1-2 mins, or until bubbles start to appear on the surface. Use a spatula to lift the edges of the crepe, then flip it and cook for another minute or so.
If making this a figs and cheese crepe… Place a few thin slices of cheese on the crepe after removing it from the heat (the cheese will start softening soon… yum). Add a few slices of figs, a few pomegranate arils (seeds) and some chopped cilantro or your preferred fresh herb (basil could work well too). Crack some black pepper, and you're ready to go! Roll it up or slices like a pizza.
In case of leftover batter…
You can store it in a sealed container or jar. Alternatively, use it up and make as many crepes as you can, let them cool down and then fold all of them in half (taco shape), store in a freezer or plastic bag. Unfreeze whenever you want one by heating it up in the microwave for 1:15 minute at 360W, then optionally frying it lightly on a pan.
Scroll down for a brief reflection…

This ingredient combo came to be by bringing together few but very good things: a friend who made way too much batter (gràcies, Anna), a few cheekily stolen figs and a gifted pomegranate (gracias, Sole), a special cheese shared among friends (gracias, compañeras) and some fresh cilantro that was lying at the back of my fridge…
Sometimes, when I’m in the kitchen, in the day to day chopping, frying or boiling, when I’m thinking about a recipe, or remembering a nice meal… Apparently small, but valuable life lessons bubble up to the surface. When I was eating this crepe, I noticed that it’s really true that one can find joy in the little things, the seamingly small details in a regular day, the apparently insignificant but oh-so-full-of-meaning gestures. They happen, and if we are not present, we can miss them. I find that writing, and the natural reflection that can come with the activity of putting mind-content into paper (or screen) really makes a difference too. The act of pausing and gently putting into words what is is going on, right now, can be a meal and digestion in itself. This is what is happening as I type these words.
At times, the less you plan, the more space you allow for life to surprise you. This is something I’m working on right now. I’m struggling with uncertainty while trying to soften into it. It’s not the easiest task, it feels a little like you’re standing on a narrow wall over a cliff, trying to balance on one foot, scared to death… while trying to relax and enjoy the magnificent views.

I’m coming back excited, hungry to share many recipes I learnt and enjoyed during the lockdown… And I also come back with a question:
What things would you like to learn to cook/bake or manage better when in the kitchen? If you share some ideas, I promise to show some gratitude.
I should also mention that, when preparing this dish, I figured out a new way of whipping up a dinner in less than 5 mins. I mention it in the Notes section, just below the recipe instructions. It’s very simple: if you find yourself with some leftover batter, don’t worry, continue making crepes, as many as you can – let them cool down – fold each one in half – freeze in a bag and defrost one by heating it up in the microwave for 1 min. Done! You could also store the batter in a jar or container for up to 3 days. Chances are you’ll forget it’s there and you’ll have to throw it away, which would be a pity…
Hoping you get to try this recipe. If you’re reading this and it’s not Summer time or you’re not in a part of the world where there are figs available… Do not despair, just substitute. Nothing is irreplaceable, let alone food. Add some apples, sweet potato and/or 3 other types of cheese… The joy of fishing stuff from the sea of your fridge and making everything out of “nothing”.
But please do let me know how it goes.
Bon profit!